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Keine spezifische Seite mit einem Formular gefunden

Im Typoscript-Constants muss auf der Seite mit der News-Detailansicht eine Seiten-ID definiert werden.


Add a link in a checkbox label

Now, with the GDPR change, we get a lot of questions how to add a link like "privacy terms accepted" in a checkbox label.

Just use an option in your FlexForm like (with an example link to page 123 where the privacy terms are located):

I accept the <f:link.page pageUid="123">privacy terms</f:link.page> | privacy terms accepted

After that you have to enable html in labels (this feature is turned off for security reasons). Example TypoScript constants:

plugin.tx_powermail.settings.misc.htmlForLabels = 1

Quelle: github.com/in2code-de/powermail/blob/develop/Documentation/ForAdministrators/Privacy.md

Disable storing of mails in database

If you don't need to store mails in the database, you can simply turn it off with a bit of TypoScript:

plugin.tx_powermail.settings.db.enable = 0

Quelle: github.com/in2code-de/powermail/blob/develop/Documentation/ForAdministrators/Privacy.md

Deleting of old mails

See the Scheduler section in the manual to see how you can remove old mails from the database.

Quelle: github.com/in2code-de/powermail/blob/develop/Documentation/ForAdministrators/Privacy.md


Prefill or preselect a field

Quelle: github.com/in2code-de/powermail/blob/develop/Documentation/ForAdministrators/BestPractice/PrefillField.md

lib.prefillPowermailWithNewsArticle = COA
lib.prefillPowermailWithNewsArticle {
10 = TEXT
10.value = Initiativbewerbung
10.if.isFalse.data = GP:u
20 {
source.data = GP:u
source.intval = 1
tx_news_domain_model_news >
tx_news_domain_model_news = TEXT
tx_news_domain_model_news {
stdWrap.dataWrap = {field:title}
htmlSpecialChars = 0
wrap = <span class="article-prefill-title">|</span>
if.isTrue.data = GP:u